by support | Aug 21, 2020 | Country Guesthouse, Uncategorized
Relax. Restore. Rejuvenate. If there ever was a time for a bit of self-care and indulging in some TLC, it is now! Having been confined to our homes over the past few months has left many of us more vulnerable to physical ailments that stem from poor posture, highly...
by support | Aug 13, 2020 | Country Guesthouse, Ostrich Love Affair, Uncategorized
Another Day in Paradise for our lucky couple… Following on from last week’s feather-ruffling soapie episode at De Denne, we asked our fans to choose a name for Cadbury’s new girlfriend. And boy, did we receive some gems! It was not an easy decision, but we...
by support | Aug 6, 2020 | Country Guesthouse, Ostrich Love Affair, Uncategorized
De Denne Presents... An ostrich soap opera! Ostrich Divorce is in the air… Here is some bitter-sweet news from the De Denne farm today. Our beloved ostrich couple, Cadbury and Suzie’s longstanding ‘domestic partnership’ has unfortunately ended...
by support | May 19, 2020 | Country Guesthouse, De Denne
country guesthouse review A wonderful review of the De Denne Country Guesthouse experience. This Country Guesthouse is an Oasis… A country guesthouse with the nicest people ever. We arrived here after the GPS seemingly took us to the middle of nowhere. The main...